Readers & Booklovers

Hey There, Booklovers...
It's your Boo. Your personal matchmaker here to help you find your next great "book-up." Let's face it, books aren't going to date themselves. If you're a curious reader ISO of an enticing read, start swiping on the books in the Booky Call app today. Whether you are into mainstream, major releases or indie gems, we have the perfect book for every situation. Loneliness sucks... start swiping.

Why should I download the free Booky Call App?
Discovering your next book shouldn't require so much effort. Reading the backs of books in your local bookstores, browsing reviews from strangers and asking your friends and family on social media for recommendations is the past.
Now you can use the same psychology that finds you a suitable mate on dating apps to find your next great read. Who knows you better than YOU? No one. So set your preferences, start swiping right and left and let me fine tune my recommendations specifically for you. Welcome to the future. Welcome to Booky Call.